Posts Tagged "moving with plants"

How To Move With Plants

Posted by on Jul 7, 2015 in Removals Tips | Comments Off on How To Move With Plants

How To Move With Plants

We’ve discussed this many times before, but it’s worth mentioning it again: when moving, there’s so much to think about! Besides packing your clothes, cutlery and books, you need to think of all the other small details like flowers, pots and plants inside the home, or outside the garden. That being said, today we would focus on the plants. Keep in mind: Australia has strict quarantine rules and regulations. If you are planning to move across states and bring your flowers and plants with you, you have to check with the state importation laws and to ask your removalists of choice what they think. It might seem silly that you are not allowed to bring a potted plant to a different state, but pots and plants are often targeted by insects and pests who use them to hi-jack the long journey. Introduced to a new area they might infest it, which can cause problems for other gardeners and eventually disrupt the local ecosystem. Okay, we might have gone a bit carried away – it’s not that apocalyptic, but you get the point! A Few Weeks Prior To The Move Start preparing your potted and garden plants well ahead of the move if you want to be successful. 1. Start pruning early to restrict growing and climbing plants. This will make them more manageable on the day of the move. 2. Eliminate all insects, pests and remove weeds. For the above mentioned reasons it is a good idea to keep your plants as ‘clean’ as possible. 3. Get cuttings from your most valued plants and get seed ourish your plants by adding good compost; 4. Start transferring them to plastic pots. They will need time to get used to the new pot. Doing so a few weeks prior to the move will give them a chance to recuperate before the big relocation. Remember some plants are very sensitive and they feel changes in their immediate environment. A small change in temperature and level of light can damage them quite a lot. 5. Ask your vendor for the garden at your new home and what type of soil there is. If you are planning to relocate your plants you need to take it into an account and make arrangements accordingly. 6. On the day prior to your move, water your plants. 7. Call your removalists and show them the pots and plants you are planning to relocate. Keep in mind that those take up the most space in a removals truck, as they need to be placed at a distance from boxes and items that can harm them during the trip. That being said, a single pot can make all the difference between one removals van and two. This will dramatically affect your quote. It is advisable to take your estimates well in advance and discuss them with the removals company, so you get a final and fixed price. On the Day Of The Move 1. Don’t forget to drain all the water from the pots. Avoid watering for now. Hopefully you will have plenty of time to do so when you arrive. 2. Put small potted plants in boxes, wrap pots in newspaper and label the boxes accordingly. If you are looking forward to a long journey poke some holes in the cardboard boxes too. 3. Put all tall plants in bags, or wrap them in plastic. Make sure you poke holes so they can breathe. 4. If you are moving during the cold months, consider driving the plants in your own vehicle. This way you can regulate the temperature and avoid stressing...

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